Friday, August 19, 2022

The Birth


Professor and classmates! I am going by X on this blog and am currently studying for an English degree. I have enjoyed reading and writing literature practically my entire life. My connection to literature was formed after my mother taught me to read at just two years old. I must say that I truly fell in love with writing when one of my school teachers signed me up for a poetry slam. Since then I spend the majority of my free time expressing myself through written words. My appreciation for words also comes from the many conversations I have had with family and friends about everything from art to healthcare. The title Something and Sentiments captures my plans for this blog. I hope to take everyday topics, activities, as well as interest such as the books I am reading or the music I listening to and discuss that something. Thanks for reading my post and I hope everyone has a great semester!

Thanks, X.

Here's a little poem I love by Langston Hughes "Dream Keeper".

Final Project

My Infographic is an elaboration of my blog post on  Physical Activity and Mental Health 's relationship. This is one of my favorite pos...