Sunday, October 16, 2022

Memes Are Just Our Thoughts in a Multimodal Media Form?

My meme states Me, Sleeping. Sun, Rises, Morning time! Me.  Picture of dog looking annoyed. I agitatedly says "it's too early for this".

I believe memes are just our thoughts and personalities in a multimodal media form. 

    The meme I created is the first thought I usually have every morning. I can say I do enjoy watching the sunrise and am always grateful for another, day but I have never been a morning person. I prefer the evening and nighttime because that is when I usually am finding new somethings such as new books, movies, shows, etc. The only morning hours I am truly fond of are the first couple of A.M. hours. Nonetheless, the expression on the dog's face in my meme is the exact face I make when I realize it is morning time and I have to get up. In addition to the dog photo I chose from WordPress; I utilized the phrase it's too early for this. The reasoning for the phrase is because the saying expresses how it's too early for something, although the morning time is of course the early hours of a day. Are you a morning, afternoon, evening, or night person?



CC Attribution:

"dog sleeping" by Cherrysweetdeal is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


1 comment:

  1. The design for your blog is amazing and I believe that it matches your personality.


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